Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where Did April Go?

Somehow I have neglected to write... maybe because I would have whined too much. It's funny but some days have been fabulous, where all is right with my swimming, my plan, and my goal, and then there are the black days where my shoulder hurts, I feel fat, and weak, and I can't believe I was stupid enough to send over $2,000 dollars off to England on a crazy dream. Today is somewhere in between. I have been keeping up with my swimming goals fairly closely. I have not hit all of my weekend long swims, but not because of lack of will, but do to cold water in the bay. I have it in my head that time in the bay is better than time in the pool. Who knows, and if I can only stand 1.5 hours in the Bay then perhaps I should jump in the pool in the afternoon, but so far I have not. I have done several "double dips" of an hour in the bay, and hour warming up and then getting back in for another hour. That is good too. I have settled on my food for at least my six hour qualifier. I plan to use Accelerade, by itself, Perpetuem mixed with Accelerade (tastes better), and GU for caffeine and a change of flavors. I will see how well this works on the six hour swim.

My right shoulder is giving me problems. I have seen the Physio and am icing it after swimming. It is not really "injured", but I need to fix my stroke to make it go away. I am not following my own best advice; I am not going to yoga every week. I need to make an effort to fix this. I need to stretch more even if it means I swim less. But swimming is easy. I have that figured out, when, where, how, yoga is an additional expense, and a different time... there is always some excuse isn't there? I think it's interesting that I always feel like there is more that I need to do, when everyone around me thinks I do so much. It's a strange reality. Training for something so big, I fear that what ever I do it will not be enough. But I guess that's where the faith and trust come in. Faith in yourself, and trust in the process. I am doing the best that I can do today. I find that I am always the most unsure during my "rest weeks". I know that rest is invaluable, but I do love my endorphins. So in my rest week, I cut my workouts in half and I focus on drills and technique. It seems to work well, and if I want to sleep in one morning, I do, but this is rare. After getting up at 5:15 am for the past six plus years it's not that hard.

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