Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Great Day - For No Reason 5.3.11

Today I feel great. I can't explain why, and I don't care. My right shoulder hurts enough for me to make an appointment with my doctor and to go see a physical therapist. I saw the PT today and am very encouraged. I see the doctor on Thursday and know that he too will help me get to France. I had a rough weekend. I tried to swim the Five Coves of Death in preparation for the Bay to Breakers swim. I was unsuccessful, a first for me. I got too damn cold. But more truthfully, I got scared about the cold. I was worried that swimming alone and far from a place to get out, that I might get so cold that I might do something stupid, so I got out early. I am going to try again on Thursday evening and I know I can make it. With the camaraderie of a few more swimmers in the cove and some support crafts, I know I can stay in there for five coves. And after that... six hours! I am dying to get my six hour qualifying swim out of the way. God only knows why. I will just have to do a longer one the minute it's done. But that's the idea, right?
I got my copy of the British H2O Open Water Swimming Magazine today. It is so inspiring. A big glossy magazine full of open water swimming pictures, advice, and stories. I love it!
I emailed many people this last week asking for a pep talk and everyone got back to me. I was worried that I was going off track. I couldn't decide whether to swim in the Bay for less time, but in the cold, or in the pool for the longer time but in the warmer water. I think I will do a bit of both. Swim in the bay for as long as I can, and then hit the pool to round out a few more hours... But it is the response that was so wonderful. This group of people are so caring and helpful. I love this sport. It is so difficult to explain to someone why one might want to train endlessly to swim the English Channel, but if I could just introduce them to the people I have met through this endeavor, they would understand immediately. Everyone is so generous with their information, and heartfelt encouragement. And they are all over the world, doing similar stuff. It is incredible and yet somehow just what you would expect. Swimmers are nice people. Maybe it's stripping down to your skivvies and hanging out in public, it takes away much of the bull shit. Maybe it's the cold water that softens our brains, but count me in, I love it.
I am feeling very lucky to be able to pursue this amazing dream.

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